Gary Zukav's description of the universal human is right on. The universal human is an adult citizen of the universe, beyond allegiance to merely a particular culture, nation, ethnic group, religion, or any narrowly defined exclusive category. He is way beyond constricted nationalistic identity and even beyond global identity. It would probably be even more accurate to think of this evolving human as cosmic human, but universal human will do for now. My belief for a long time was that I had a soul. My conviction at this point is that I am a soul and for now have a human body, which conviction gives me a deeper spirituality and sense that all is sacred, and my personality is increasingly aligned with this soul and with my conviction. I don't just have an immortal component -- the soul that is essential me is immortal and has a mortal component or form called my mind and body. I don't know what helps me know that. I guess it's my waking up by way of activities such as paying attention, being open, discussing, listening, reading, reflecting, meditating.
On Aug 31, 2019 david doane wrote :