Charlotte Joko Beck 469 words, 22K views, 16 comments
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On Jun 23, 2015Arthur wrote :
Creating a bigger container means for me being able to let go of who I have come to believe I am. To observe my conditioning and to realize that if I can see it, then I am not that. Then just in that observing it begins to dissolve and I have now created a little door to move into NOTHING which is the limitless space of who I truly am. With grace helping I can now move into a limitless container that has no size, no form, no texture and it is who I truly am, my Beingness.
On Jun 23, 2015 Arthur wrote :
Creating a bigger container means for me being able to let go of who I have come to believe I am. To observe my conditioning and to realize that if I can see it, then I am not that. Then just in that observing it begins to dissolve and I have now created a little door to move into NOTHING which is the limitless space of who I truly am. With grace helping I can now move into a limitless container that has no size, no form, no texture and it is who I truly am, my Beingness.