I know. No man is an island. We all are connected, branches of the same tree called The Tree of Life. However, most of us are taught and conditioned to create and live in an individualistic bubble. I am an individual physically. I have my own mind. I have my own personality, my own signature, my country, my religion and ME.When I operate with this perspective, my relating to me and to others who are very close to me have this I-and- You. It seems like the reality.There are moments in my life, when this unique and divisive separateness disappears and vanishes. This happens to me when I naturally and truly follow my heart. I feel one with me and with the other including nature. Where there is no TWO. There is one flow of energy, the earth and the sky merging, no sense of duality, beyond subject and object.The bubble becomes the ocean.These are moments of awakening hard to express conceptually and verbally. This feels like the sound of silence.
Is the first world of separation an illusion? I do not know. I know that it is transitory, like an ebb and flow, day and night, pleasure and pain.There is also another world- a world of oneness.How to live in the world of subject and object with the perspective of oneness is a challenge for me.And I accept it gracefully.
Namaste to all who live in the dualistic world knowing there is the real world that transcends the dividing boundaries and barriers. And we are blessed to have the awakened and enlightened beings who live in the world but not of the world.
On May 18, 2015 Jgdish P Dave wrote :
I know. No man is an island. We all are connected, branches of the same tree called The Tree of Life. However, most of us are taught and conditioned to create and live in an individualistic bubble. I am an individual physically. I have my own mind. I have my own personality, my own signature, my country, my religion and ME.When I operate with this perspective, my relating to me and to others who are very close to me have this I-and- You. It seems like the reality.There are moments in my life, when this unique and divisive separateness disappears and vanishes. This happens to me when I naturally and truly follow my heart. I feel one with me and with the other including nature. Where there is no TWO. There is one flow of energy, the earth and the sky merging, no sense of duality, beyond subject and object.The bubble becomes the ocean.These are moments of awakening hard to express conceptually and verbally. This feels like the sound of silence.
Is the first world of separation an illusion? I do not know. I know that it is transitory, like an ebb and flow, day and night, pleasure and pain.There is also another world- a world of oneness.How to live in the world of subject and object with the perspective of oneness is a challenge for me.And I accept it gracefully.
Namaste to all who live in the dualistic world knowing there is the real world that transcends the dividing boundaries and barriers. And we are blessed to have the awakened and enlightened beings who live in the world but not of the world.
Jagdish P Dave