Reading this writing is like listening to my inner voice with no noise disrupting this deep listening. It feels like being in the infinite sky with no clouds obstructing the clear space. It is indescribable by words. IT IS.
I have had glimpses of such REALITY when I was in a state of doing nothing, a state of just being. That happens to me when I am mentally absent and fully present, when I am not looking for something, being it or being in and with it. I had such blissful moments when I was in the presence of Anandimaiya radiating blissful joy by her joyful loving presence. In her presence, my wife and I, merged and flowed in the river of ONENESS. I experience it when I relate to others from my heart and feel that ONENESS.
By meditating, self-examining, contemplating, living mindfully and not "sleeping", the extent of such blissful state is expanding and I am grateful to those beings who have showed me a path of living fully. Blessed we are to have such awakened beings who have been our teachers of life.
Namaste to all who are the pilgrims of light and love.
On May 8, 2015 Jagdish P Dave wrote :
Reading this writing is like listening to my inner voice with no noise disrupting this deep listening. It feels like being in the infinite sky with no clouds obstructing the clear space. It is indescribable by words. IT IS.
I have had glimpses of such REALITY when I was in a state of doing nothing, a state of just being. That happens to me when I am mentally absent and fully present, when I am not looking for something, being it or being in and with it. I had such blissful moments when I was in the presence of Anandimaiya radiating blissful joy by her joyful loving presence. In her presence, my wife and I, merged and flowed in the river of ONENESS. I experience it when I relate to others from my heart and feel that ONENESS.
By meditating, self-examining, contemplating, living mindfully and not "sleeping", the extent of such blissful state is expanding and I am grateful to those beings who have showed me a path of living fully. Blessed we are to have such awakened beings who have been our teachers of life.
Namaste to all who are the pilgrims of light and love.
Jagdish P Dave