I had begun a gratitude journal several months before my husband was diagnosed with a heart problem that would require him to have open heart surgery. The news was initially overwhelming since I was 6 months pregnant and our son was just three. That night when I left the hospital with my husband in their care I went home and in tears reached for my journal. It was then that instead of struggling to think of something to be grateful for, I was flooded with gratitude for the supports and blessings that surrounded me. Gratitude doesn't always come as easily but when I pause to reflect, I can always find it.
On Apr 7, 2015 Elyse wrote :
I had begun a gratitude journal several months before my husband was diagnosed with a heart problem that would require him to have open heart surgery. The news was initially overwhelming since I was 6 months pregnant and our son was just three. That night when I left the hospital with my husband in their care I went home and in tears reached for my journal. It was then that instead of struggling to think of something to be grateful for, I was flooded with gratitude for the supports and blessings that surrounded me. Gratitude doesn't always come as easily but when I pause to reflect, I can always find it.