Remembrance means to me to acknowledge I am part of something bigger than myself.To honor my ancestors. To honor the earth and the universe of which earth is a larger part. Remembering the universe is in me and I am this universe happens when I let go and allow: recently I felt this while in facilitating for a group of veterans and I was so hoping what i was sharing was of value to them, that I was being of service because I was deeply second-guessing myself and my place. There was a moment of intense peace as not only did I see my dad in their eyes (he's been gone for 28 years) I felt my dad in the room with us and the veterans felt it too, they pointed it out to me. That moment was profound, a knowing, a connection beyond the physical in front of us. I felt both small and limitless at the same time. I hope this makes sense.
End of Search Results
On Jun 28, 2019David Doane wrote :
It sounds like that moment was very profound for all of you. Thank you for sharing.
On Jul 11, 2019Aruna Jethwani wrote :
This profound and experiential article is very heart warming as many of us have experienced it. Such moments are rare but the realisation continues throughout the life. ArunaJethwani
On Jun 27, 2019 Kristin Pedemonti wrote :