For me, being sincerely enthusiastic means being genuinely enthusiastic. I'm sad to say I've often been critical, negative, and judgmental in my life -- it's never occurred to me that such people be it myself of others are more intelligent or discerning or perceptive. I have thought such people be it myself or others are unhappy and angry. I'm happy to say I have become more accepting and positive. I can be genuinely enthusiastic about some aspects of what a person is doing, for example their enthusiasm, their hard work, their success, and not comment on aspects that I don't like or agree with. What's helped me become more sincerely enthusiastic is for me to remind myself of what my wife says to her fifth grade students and to me, ie, "say the best and save the rest." Realizing that we are one and becoming more compassionate has helped me to be more sincerely enthusiastic. Learning that being positive is a happier way to live also helps me be sincerely enthusiastic. I don't think it takes courage for me to be more sincerely enthusiastic -- I think it takes becoming a little wiser.
On Feb 15, 2015 david doane wrote :
For me, being sincerely enthusiastic means being genuinely enthusiastic. I'm sad to say I've often been critical, negative, and judgmental in my life -- it's never occurred to me that such people be it myself of others are more intelligent or discerning or perceptive. I have thought such people be it myself or others are unhappy and angry. I'm happy to say I have become more accepting and positive. I can be genuinely enthusiastic about some aspects of what a person is doing, for example their enthusiasm, their hard work, their success, and not comment on aspects that I don't like or agree with. What's helped me become more sincerely enthusiastic is for me to remind myself of what my wife says to her fifth grade students and to me, ie, "say the best and save the rest." Realizing that we are one and becoming more compassionate has helped me to be more sincerely enthusiastic. Learning that being positive is a happier way to live also helps me be sincerely enthusiastic. I don't think it takes courage for me to be more sincerely enthusiastic -- I think it takes becoming a little wiser.