We are into a mass pretending joint-action, in that so much of what we do, say or share may not be 'us'.
An immediate example is as I write this comment, am I really going to write whatever I want? I think not - there is a certain mindfulness about the space and who may read this and so on....
But that role also becomes the boundary and limits me from exploring what lies beyond (and in this case expressing what lies beyond)......
Like saying 'what the #&@%' if I feel that about a reading....I won't do that, because it is not the role I play in this space....
But its good once in a while to get tired of being wise or being correct or holding a role I guess.....and rest in just being....
How that will really look like....I wonder.....but to pull that off will need a collective 'undressing' of our roles....
Else, a variant of a Bollywood movie dialogue comes to me 'Jab tak ek role baat karega....ek role sunega' (Till you speak from a role, I will hear as a role)
In our own ecosystem too, I suspect, if we drop away our roles, we might encounter much more diversity of selves and views than we see....
On Jan 11, 2015 Abhishek wrote :
We are into a mass pretending joint-action, in that so much of what we do, say or share may not be 'us'.
An immediate example is as I write this comment, am I really going to write whatever I want? I think not - there is a certain mindfulness about the space and who may read this and so on....
But that role also becomes the boundary and limits me from exploring what lies beyond (and in this case expressing what lies beyond)......
Like saying 'what the #&@%' if I feel that about a reading....I won't do that, because it is not the role I play in this space....
But its good once in a while to get tired of being wise or being correct or holding a role I guess.....and rest in just being....
How that will really look like....I wonder.....but to pull that off will need a collective 'undressing' of our roles....
Else, a variant of a Bollywood movie dialogue comes to me 'Jab tak ek role baat karega....ek role sunega' (Till you speak from a role, I will hear as a role)
In our own ecosystem too, I suspect, if we drop away our roles, we might encounter much more diversity of selves and views than we see....