We are part of the environment, not apart from it. Our DNA and the DNA of a plant or animal are much more alike than different. As Deepak Chopra says, the air is my breath, the rivers and oceans are my blood and circulation, the earth and stars are my body. What we do to the environment we do to ourselves. So called primitive uncivilized people knew this, and we so called advanced people don't. Since becoming aware of this, I to some degree see the oneness of all that is almost always, and my life is fuller because of this awareness. I'm dropping the myth that the environment is ours to conquer, control and exploit. I'm dropping the myth of a sky god and realizing the truth of earth god. God and heaven are within our environment and us, and we are within God and heaven. The American Indian,various cultures, Jesus and other spiritual leaders knew this. Brother sun and sister moon are becoming my reality. The words human and humus are derived from the same root -- that says it all. Our environment including us is an integrated whole, if we see it or not.
End of Search Results
On Dec 16, 2014George Blakey wrote :
Thank you for your comments. I agree completely, and I appreciate your reference to Deepak Chopra's words.
On Dec 12, 2014 david doane wrote :
We are part of the environment, not apart from it. Our DNA and the DNA of a plant or animal are much more alike than different. As Deepak Chopra says, the air is my breath, the rivers and oceans are my blood and circulation, the earth and stars are my body. What we do to the environment we do to ourselves. So called primitive uncivilized people knew this, and we so called advanced people don't. Since becoming aware of this, I to some degree see the oneness of all that is almost always, and my life is fuller because of this awareness. I'm dropping the myth that the environment is ours to conquer, control and exploit. I'm dropping the myth of a sky god and realizing the truth of earth god. God and heaven are within our environment and us, and we are within God and heaven. The American Indian,various cultures, Jesus and other spiritual leaders knew this. Brother sun and sister moon are becoming my reality. The words human and humus are derived from the same root -- that says it all. Our environment including us is an integrated whole, if we see it or not.