My first thought was that I don't relate to the metaphor, and I thought of Nietzsche's saying "And those who were dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music," which quote I can relate to and even like to relate to. My second thought was that I don't want to be one part of the grand sweep of the melody, largely lost among the grandeur of the hundreds of other players. My third thought is that I want it all, that is, I want to be my own unique individual kazoo player and be part of the grand sweep. Sometimes in a close present encounter with another, I hear the symphony beyond the kazoo player, and while connected to the kazoo player I also feel connected to the symphony with a sense that the symphony is larger than us, it takes priority, and we are part of the bigger majesty of the symphony, and it is very special.
On Feb 24, 2019 David Doane wrote :