Wealth is so much more the money. Wealth is friends, Wealth is health. Wealth is Experiences that bring you illumination, fulfillment, enjoyment. Wealth is not a big bank account, but rather being rich in doing what you love and loving what you do. I am fortunate to have understood this lesson early in life. At age 37 I left my full-time job to pursue being a full-time freelance Cause Focused Storyteller. About 30 days later, I sold my small home & most of my possessions to create a volunteer literacy project in Central America (upon invitation from a local who saw a talent in me I could not yet see) The project evolved into serving 33,000 students with free programs and training 800 teacher how to use their own cultural stories in their classrooms. It evolved still over time to volunteering in Kenya, Ghana and most recently Haiti, collecting real life stories from artisans, educators, entrepreneurs, farmers, fishermen, and students to break stereotypes and change the pity/poverty view of the developing world to the Potential and Possibility view. Until just a few weeks ago, i drove a 13 year old car until it died. I live simply, eat simply, but enjoy Deeply. It is possible, it is all about choices. Thank you for sharing Alan Watts, I LOVE his work. Here's to all of us realizing that indeed Wealth is so much more than money. HUG.
End of Search Results
On Jul 15, 2014Suellen wrote :
Namaste,thank you for all the beautiful
posts, as my first teacher by book, Leo Buscalia,
I have am living , learning and loving from each of u .
On Jul 11, 2014 Kristin Pedemonti wrote :
Wealth is so much more the money. Wealth is friends, Wealth is health. Wealth is Experiences that bring you illumination, fulfillment, enjoyment. Wealth is not a big bank account, but rather being rich in doing what you love and loving what you do. I am fortunate to have understood this lesson early in life. At age 37 I left my full-time job to pursue being a full-time freelance Cause Focused Storyteller. About 30 days later, I sold my small home & most of my possessions to create a volunteer literacy project in Central America (upon invitation from a local who saw a talent in me I could not yet see) The project evolved into serving 33,000 students with free programs and training 800 teacher how to use their own cultural stories in their classrooms. It evolved still over time to volunteering in Kenya, Ghana and most recently Haiti, collecting real life stories from artisans, educators, entrepreneurs, farmers, fishermen, and students to break stereotypes and change the pity/poverty view of the developing world to the Potential and Possibility view. Until just a few weeks ago, i drove a 13 year old car until it died. I live simply, eat simply, but enjoy Deeply. It is possible, it is all about choices. Thank you for sharing Alan Watts, I LOVE his work. Here's to all of us realizing that indeed Wealth is so much more than money. HUG.