What I see as error, which is what someone holds that is different than what I believe, has truth in it, and what I consider truth, which is what I believe, contains error. By being open and listening, I hear what is being said by the other and by myself instead of hearing my thinking, my preconceived notions and judgments, my assumptions and prejudices, my expectations and predictions, and I can learn, modify my position, and grow. When I listened to my son-in-law's political viewpoint, which is different than my own, I heard information some of which was new and confusing, and it resulted in expanding my understanding. What helps me invite surprise into my life is knowing that surprise can be a great teacher. Surprise can catch me off guard, throw a wrench into my usual thinking, help me to see outside the box, knock me out of my lockstep, and trigger insight and learning, all of which is exciting and enliviening, so I invite surprise into my life.
On Dec 29, 2018 david doane wrote :
What I see as error, which is what someone holds that is different than what I believe, has truth in it, and what I consider truth, which is what I believe, contains error. By being open and listening, I hear what is being said by the other and by myself instead of hearing my thinking, my preconceived notions and judgments, my assumptions and prejudices, my expectations and predictions, and I can learn, modify my position, and grow. When I listened to my son-in-law's political viewpoint, which is different than my own, I heard information some of which was new and confusing, and it resulted in expanding my understanding. What helps me invite surprise into my life is knowing that surprise can be a great teacher. Surprise can catch me off guard, throw a wrench into my usual thinking, help me to see outside the box, knock me out of my lockstep, and trigger insight and learning, all of which is exciting and enliviening, so I invite surprise into my life.