Love the wording you used, "the sacred starting place". My brother in law hit the wall of reality last Tuesday evening when the police showed up at his door. Yes, he was/continues to be "a victim. Yes, he has some challenges. Yes, he needs our help. But like God, the judge last Wednesday, TODAY you can begin anew. $1,600 bail forgiven, my brother in law is now free.
May this be his "sacred starting place/time". (Please keep him in your prayers.)
Nothing Else Matters . . . so like the way God handles our sin.
Rereading, Bonnie, I so love your words. Thank you!
My understanding is there's nothing else present to come except the Divine, that stopping, being still is the opportunity to yield to that One, get "me" out of the picture.
On Apr 16, 2014 Bonnie wrote :
Thank you for this beautiful reflection on stopping dead in our tracks. That seems to be the sacred starting place, just remembering that one thing. I wonder in that moment of stopping if the content of what rises in awareness is a little different for each of us, tailored (by grace perhaps) to meet our individual yearnings. In that moment of remembering to stop, for me there arises, like a tender gift, an openness to the possibility of deep and personal accompaniment and connection at many levels from ordinary friendship to the presence of the Divine. I wonder what it is that comes most naturally for others.
As for "our nature is to be unconditionally kind, honest, wise,... tender..." Yes!