Wanting to prolong those moments can prevent them from continuing..
I can't even begin to know your world, but let it console you to know people (like me) carry you about in love and prayer. That your burdens, you can let go of.
My husband carries some "loads" he cannot share with me. He has a personality that can set aside a problem for given times (to solve). He picks up a problem. Once satisfactorily remedied he does NOT go there again. (This can be good and bad . . . but the good thing is He is Very Happy.)
I, too, have difficulty with this as you do. You ARE NOT alone!
I love you!
Thanks! The moon being full DOES pose a true problem!
On Apr 16, 2014 Sridhar wrote :
Nice article or poem (or what type of literary-philosophical piece of writing, I cannot place it). There are moments (even though very short and very rare) in our lives, where we do let go off everything. Moments of "causeless joy", "boundless happiness" and "undefinable abandon" do occur. I felt such moments few times and for very short periods. These were interrupted by real world events (like a phone call, conveying not-so-pleasant news / compelling me to involved in an argument; door bell of a salesperson etc) and again I came back into the life of emotional disturbances.
If such moments do happen, how to prolong them - that is the question. If we are able to fight and conquer emotional disturbances, that too in particular negative emotions, these moments can get extended.