What does the root of the root of your self mean to you?
It means the REAL me.. not the one described with thought and verbal description.
Can you share a personal experience of a time you returned to the root of the root of your self?
I don't know if I have an exact or a dramatic moment of when I came to realize who I really was. Again, keeping in mind that one cannot describe who we each are, I'd suggest that we are life it's self, and the One who created us is the only one who can help us know or realize who we really are.
What helps you realize that you are a ruby embedded in granite?
Stories help me.. and when I hear a story or a description of the deepest part of me, I just know if it's true also for me.
These stories, these words and descriptions only scratch the surface. They are just words and words are just symbols, they represent an idea or thought. And the description is only accurate if the meaning is identical for both the teller and the listener.. If there are misunderstandings of the symbols or different descriptions then the story is scewed or twisted, it is not accurate.
But if I can identidy with the storyteller then I sense or feel that the storyteller understands [me]; I can express or affirm who I am, what I felt, and can confirm or give feedback about the truth of MY experience or story.
What really helps me the most is to connect to my creator. The Creator is the one who knows who I really am, and if I am still enough from my busy life I can contemplate on life and who I am, and disciver my place in the creation of all.
On Nov 20, 2018 Quacinda Jodyne Topkok wrote :