I remember when I left my husband of 30 years.I was relieved and overwhemed. Lost and did't know what to do with myself. Sometimes I'd lie in bed and say, "God take this pain away." Little by little I surrendered to the sadness and being alone. I took myself on dates and became my own best friend for the first time. After about 3 years,I met Neil and knew we were meant to be together. I know it was God in me knowing.
End of Search Results
On Mar 20, 2014Claudia wrote :
Thank you for sharing this!! I am in the same situation, except i have not met my "neil" yet, just followed a feeling 4 years ago, and i still wander why sometimes! Thank you;)
On Feb 19, 2014 Madeline Z wrote :
I remember when I left my husband of 30 years.I was relieved and overwhemed. Lost and did't know what to do with myself. Sometimes I'd lie in bed and say, "God take this pain away." Little by little I surrendered to the sadness and being alone. I took myself on dates and became my own best friend for the first time. After about 3 years,I met Neil and knew we were meant to be together. I know it was God in me knowing.