Hi Susan
I have just recently began chemotherapy and do not believe that I was chosen to receive cancer. Crappy and great things happen as we continue to grow and mature along our paths. I do believe I have free will in how I cope with this disease and other challenges that have occurred during my life. I too have a gentler outlook on life and it has also brought me much pleasure.
But then again I am only human and negative thoughts can interfere with my relationships with myself and others... that is also part of the journey. So not sure I totally believe that every thing that happens to us is part of some greater plan, but we do have a choice whether to claim it or distract ourselves with anger or blame. In essence we think along the same train of thought don't you agree?
Susan, my dad who was the best person, most honest, giving, accepting person of others passed from cancer. I don't believe it was meant for him to get cancer and suffer. It still bothers me terribly as to why this has happened. And, you too have cancer. I'm sure you wonder why, but, I commend you for your great attitude. Wishing you all my best.Brenda
This is beautiful. Thank you. I needed.
Thank you for your honesty
On Feb 18, 2014 SusanWallace wrote :
Waiting at an airport to catch a flight, I stumbled across a book by Paul Williams. I opened the book and my eyes fell to a simple sentence- "Nothing happens by accident." For many successful years I lived by the belief that everything happens for a reason. Flash forward 40 years...I have just come through 2 years of darkness, confusion, sorrow, brokenness and pain. I questioned everything I believed, and thought, perhaps that I was at the end of the line.
I am currently back in the sunlight, and humbled by everything I went through. I spent a lot of time over the past 24 months quietly sitting and getting in touch with the vulnerability I was experiencing. Instead of pushing my thoughts & feelings away, I embraced them. I embraced the changes, the insecurities, the sadness, the anger, the betrayal...the unknowing...all of it! Then something amazing happened. People started showing up in my life who needed love, compassion and hope. The experiences I had just been through had softened my heart and made me able to love and serve others in completely new ways! I started showing up for them!
I made two major shifts in my way of thinking which also helped me back. One shift was realizing that sometimes we miss the mark...it actually happens a lot! And when we do, it's an opportunity to re-boot, re-frame, forgive, and re-invent! The second big shift happened very gradually,. It had to do with realizing that we are constantly changing, and so is everyone else! I decided to adopt gentler, softer, more forgiving embrace with others...in realizing that as I've given myself permission to change, I give others their space to change as well.
I guess, when I read your article, it nudged me to share, because it felt like a very important thread had disappeared for a while, and then wove its way back in! Yes, we are always being given love and grace. Even in the darkness, we might be trudging for a while, but then...we get to appreciate other times when gravity lightens up and our steps become a dance.