Walking along the 10 ruled path was fairly light and generally useful...until the last rule---"the double helix of inner knowing" lost at birth?....cryptic knots or koans tied to a rather elegant if not simplistic previous list of 9 is offputting--maybe a hook was intended and I am supposed to say..: oh wow, gimme that double helix dose of ineer knowing....it must be the real thing because it's so organic of a thing like DNA..right..."---or is it just a simple commercial for a new brand of looking within and getting calm and seeing what we are and that we can let it all just go and be which has no name...or many...like "paying attention"...oy...am I on a judgemental tangent??? or in a convolted way pointing out the discongruity to the intital approach culminated in a "mysterious" nonsense....not to say that nonsense doesn't have it's place...well now...and now and then...back to now
thanks..you double helix's you
On Jul 10, 2007 mark stodghill wrote :