Jesus had and held and loved with hands in a variety of states of "openness". I try always to take my cue from Him. How do You want metro love this "one". You "love" for Him. I love with Him.
You will pass "the test" with Jesus guiding you . . . Trust in Him . . . not man.
On Jan 7, 2014 Hilary Campbell wrote :
For me in this moment, loving with my hands wide open and having without holding, mean that I allow the unattached energy of love to flow through me, rather than me trying to control the love that comes flowing through me. Love of itself is an energy of optimism, of feeling empathy and intimacy...It is when our egos focus on love that we get ourselves so caught up in confusion and hurt and attachment. Often jealousy and frustration too. For me I am learning to be brave with love, I am in a relationship that could be coming to an end and in a place where I feel love and care for my partner even though he has really hurt me. I want to feel love that is true, not caught up with the hurt and distorted by recent events, more as a language that transcends the current personality damage. Can I love with my hands wide open and trust that I won't get hurt again? Thats the test for me right now :-)