I really admire your priority regarding daily meditation. It inspires me to at least try some kind of practice. I agree that judgmental thinking can separate you from others. Being more open and compassionate can dissolve this feeling more readily.
The Le Gain quote is an apt reminder to appreciate others in our lives as well. Thank you so much.
On Oct 20, 2018 Jagdish P Dave wrote :
Meditating daily is my topmost prority. In a meditative state I feel and experience the divine presence - Love - the realization of the integral oneness with life. It creates positive resonance in me.The apparent boundaries of divisiveness and sepatateness get dissloved. It creates an oceanic feeling of oneness. In this meditative state, the boundaries created by the divided-self melt away. Such knowing brings deep joy and bliss in me. This is the TRUTH. When I step out of the flow of such inner connectedness, I loose the touch of the underlying oneness.
Feeling seperated from others by my critical and judgemental ways of relating to others creates negative resonance in me. Awareness of this negative resonance helps me to return to the state of positive resonance. Such positive resonance creates a ripple effect. Others are touched by this and that creates hope in me in a world that is getting more divided in many ways.
I would like to cconculde my reflections by quoting Ursula Le Gain, "Love just doesn't sit there, like a stone: it has to be made like bread: remade all the time, makes new".