I see the effects of our experience and perspective being circular, shaping one another, the circular process starting with experience which to me is basic and primary. Oscar Wilde said, "Nothing worth knowing can be taught." That is, it's learned by experience which shapes our perspective which shapes our experience. That's what happened in Aaron Zehah's story. Once the man experienced the increased crowding in his little home, his perspective changed. And with a different perspective his experience in his home changed. In all matters, my experiences have ongoingly shaped my perspective whch has shaped my experience.
On Sep 30, 2018 david doane wrote :
I see the effects of our experience and perspective being circular, shaping one another, the circular process starting with experience which to me is basic and primary. Oscar Wilde said, "Nothing worth knowing can be taught." That is, it's learned by experience which shapes our perspective which shapes our experience. That's what happened in Aaron Zehah's story. Once the man experienced the increased crowding in his little home, his perspective changed. And with a different perspective his experience in his home changed. In all matters, my experiences have ongoingly shaped my perspective whch has shaped my experience.