I am in a similar position, surrounded by people who are insensitive to the needs of others around them. It is very taxing in deed. The still waters are often disturbed and it is not even noticed. All that I am trying to do to calm down things is not appreciated.
I hear you, Ganoba
in love and stillness,
Lately, I have realized that the main cause of my unhappiness, annoyance, frustration, and mental turmoil is my inability to see that my human life, from birth to death, with all the events I go through in time, with all my interactions with people, animals, and other animate and inanimate objects, with all the circumstances that I face, desirable or undesirable from my perspective, all my sense of good health and well-being as well as illness and physical suffering, all my satisfaction of the fulfillment of my desires and disappointment of unfulfilled desires, is not separate from the environment that surrounds me and forms the "life on earth." So, when I insist on this "life on earth" to be exactly the way I want it to be instead of marveling at the constant interplay of opposites (some to my liking and some not) I tend to be frustrated, annoyed and unhappy. If I can train my mind to accept this reality of "life on earth" and enjoy watching the "beautiful chaos" all around me even when I am going through adversity and suffering, then I will truly experience "stillness" no matter where I am and what is happening around me.
On May 26, 2013 amy wrote :
It's official, I am an introvert! I need stillness! I seek out "still" places, people and situations. To think and function properly, I have to find time for solitary stillness.
My husband, son and mother in law, temporarily living with us, are more extroverted. They're "charged" personalities, over time, drain me. Their need for volume, motion, television, small talk, togetherness (in my opinion) is excessive. I love them but find myself overwhelmed with their need for my attention.
How do I cultivate stillness? I walk. I go to another room and close the door. I seek nature. I tuck myself into the Spirit of God . . . Beneath His wing . . . Within His Heart.
Like a car needs fuel, I need stillness, to move.
Love this weeks wisdom reading! Thank you for being still with me . . .