Jack Kornfield's words remind me of Gandhi's exhortation to be the change you want to see in the world, and Buddhism's emphasis on detachment. I hear Kornfield's exhortation as one to let go of our hectic runing, our addictions and our denial, and stop, look inward, listen, find our self, be open and real and vulnerable with ourself and with one another. This is the way to stop the war within and without. Running from self, anger and war are not necessary. We can be the peace we want to see in the world, and being the peace is probably the only way to get to peace in the world. My stepping out of the battle, at least somewhat and sometimes, has been a long process, and really a wonderful one that brings me increased peace and contentment. I think the essential ingredient is looking inward and seeing that my primary war is within me, and accomplishing peace within is the most I can do for peace without. What helps me look at what's realy within me is honesty with myself, openness to input from others, and the growth and peace that result from it.
On Aug 5, 2018 david doane wrote :
Jack Kornfield's words remind me of Gandhi's exhortation to be the change you want to see in the world, and Buddhism's emphasis on detachment. I hear Kornfield's exhortation as one to let go of our hectic runing, our addictions and our denial, and stop, look inward, listen, find our self, be open and real and vulnerable with ourself and with one another. This is the way to stop the war within and without. Running from self, anger and war are not necessary. We can be the peace we want to see in the world, and being the peace is probably the only way to get to peace in the world. My stepping out of the battle, at least somewhat and sometimes, has been a long process, and really a wonderful one that brings me increased peace and contentment. I think the essential ingredient is looking inward and seeing that my primary war is within me, and accomplishing peace within is the most I can do for peace without. What helps me look at what's realy within me is honesty with myself, openness to input from others, and the growth and peace that result from it.