We "practice inviting all our fears up" by acknowledging them, facing them, exploring them. I think looking deep into our fears reveals to us that our fears are to a great degree fears of the unknown and fears of what we can't control, and facing them helps us accept and be comfortable with not knowing and with not having control, which is our human condition, and that is worthwhile. We can paralyze ourselves by our fears, and we free ourselves by accepting the conditions that we fear, mainly not knowing and lacking control. Fear doesn't have to stop us. Doing something while afraid is courage. John Wayne said, "Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway." Taking action when afraid is a way of reducing the fear and gaining freedom, and that makes for a life that is worthwhile. A big fear of mine is speaking out in or in front of a group. I talk to myself about my fears, I've explored and addressed them in various settings, I've pushed myself to speak even though I shake, and the results are mixed, that is, I'm better at it, I'm freer, and it's definitely worthwhile to get said to others what I have to say, but I'm not yet comfortable. I'll continue to saddle up.
On Feb 9, 2013 david doane wrote :