Imagine this prank were played on you - what would your deepest words of wisdom be? ‘Don’t be intimidated by your mind and emotions’. Implement love as a way of life with courage. When receiving the honor that the drivers received, how do we also keep our awareness ‘that deliveries have to be made’, and avoid getting trapped by the attention we get? If we remember at all times, that we are all searching for love as happiness and make common mistakes during the search, and that we are all already connect through a common field of universal love and consciousness, we will be less inclined to being caught up in the drama of our emotions and ego, and we will remember to responsible by ‘making our deliveries’ with love. Can you share a personal story of a time when you were expected to share your deepest wisdom, and what arose in response? One of the best expressions of my ‘deepest wisdom’ has been this forum on ‘Wednesdays’. The selection of articles, the questions and some of the answers stimulate very practical and good thoughts in me. As the author says, wisdom is in everyone, if we look inside.
On Dec 17, 2012 Narendra wrote :