The words of wisdom that mean very much to me are that we are all one. We are each different expressions of Being, of one Source, but we are not separate, we are one. That we be kind and compassionate to one another follows naturally. To love your neighbor as yourself is not a mandate to live up to but a fact of life because my neighbor is myself. The Golden Rule to do to your neighbor as you would have him do unto you is not a rule, it's a fact of life because my neighbor is myself. When I am kind to the other, I am kind to myself. When I hurt another, I hurt myself. We are one. We keep awareness that 'deliveries have to be made' by doing our various duties in life while also keeping in mind and living out that we are one. We live on more than one level -- we are to live in the world of duties without being consumed by it and not forgetting that we are one. As I grow in the words of wisdom that we are one and have the courage to share those words, I find myself being more kind and I find others being receptive to the message. The response that is important to arise in me and others is to live those words and make them a way of living.
On Dec 16, 2012 david doane wrote :