Thought provoking article. Vinobaji influenced masses by "Bhudan Yagna" and by his beautiful commentary on Bhagvad Gita...Vinobaji and Gandhiji both took a lot from Bhagvad Gita...They both considered themselves as servants of people and became true leaders. Another name in the same spirit was Lal Bahadur Shastri.... He was Chief Guest for the convocation at University of Roorkee ( now IIT-R ) in 1965. He led the country to self sufficiency in food grain and milk...He led from the front, winning the war with Pakistan in 1965...He used to regard himself as servant and became true and loved leader....I felt great honor to be a part of NCC- EME core to give him guard of honor !!!
I only wish that our current leaders earn their true leadership by first bein servant and not bosses !
Subhash Garg
On Oct 29, 2012 Subhash Garg wrote :
I only wish that our current leaders earn their true leadership by first bein servant and not bosses !
Subhash Garg