Perception arise when our mind conjures, measure, quantify, compares or place a value to an occurence. I have tried living as the moment arise and practice equaminity in any given situation, not perceiving it but rather just flow with it and work things out as it happens and find a suitable key to unlock it. Sometimes it goes well and at times not. Most importantly is to move on. Nothing is permanent the Lord Buddha has thought us..
On Jul 6, 2018 david doane wrote :
I don't believe whatever I want -- I believe what I believe. I don't directly or willfully change what I believe. I can have new experiences and learn, and my beliefs change with new experiences and learning. My beliefs definitely shape what I see, and what I see shapes my beliefs. As my beliefs have changed over time, my perceptions of myself, of others, of the world, of life have changed. What helps me be aware of the beliefs that are shaping my perception is taking my beliefs seriously, paying attention to my beliefs and to changes in my beliefs, thinking about what my beliefs are, questioning and examining my beliefs, and being open.