Thoughtlessly ruining nature in the name of progress and scientific development is an extremely narrow and near-sighted approach. We need to take only as much as we need and not as much as we desire. Especially dissecting each part of our food into scientific labels is the end of the nourishment, nutritious value and wholesomeness of our food. After all what we are ingesting is not a potion of vitamins and minerals, but its a combination of so many elements of human and natural endeavor from farm to table and then with what gratitude we are accepting this amazing offering called food is what is going to provide us proper nourishment. Closer we are to nature, the more appreciation we would have of the amount of labor involved in the production of food what a crime it is to waste food. Anyone who has done any edible gardening can truly appreciate that fact.
On Oct 9, 2012 Rekha Garg wrote :