What practice serves you well in developing attentiveness? Attentiveness needs practice of love and courage in all aspects of life. Love or acceptance of the present moment no matter what it is, and secondly, courage to let go desires and fears that interfere with the present moment, so that I can be in the present with complete awareness. Adherence to unconditional truth as a principle, supports love, courage and presence of mind …….What does entering reality mean to you? ‘Absolute Reality’ is complete experience of the present moment, as is - in its ‘multiple dimensions’. We enter or experience a little of this reality as consciousness, when we let go our ego, desires and fears to become the ‘process’ or the ‘object’ we are focusing on – in a semi-trance state. This is ‘Samyama’.…..Can you share a personal experience that illustrates entering, becoming and experiencing reality? I have experienced ‘reality’, when I was involved in a creative process with complete focus and absorption, as in a physical-emotional activity such as playing music, dancing or in a game of tennis, or an emotional activity such as listening to music, or when I am in an intense creative thought process. This happens in the absence of my ego and the associated conscious effort.
On Sep 16, 2012 Narendra wrote :