I think that 'to actualize your full potential as a human being by striving for excellence in all areas of your life: becoming physically strong and healthy, mentally sharp, artistically creative, socially enlightened, sexually active, politically aware (& not to get sucked into spiritual-ritual-superstition) are all really worthwhile in life.
These are also my priorities in life.
Thousands of Bhikkhus wasted millions of man-hours 'scratching rocks in the shape of Buddha, who denounced idolatry! They begged for their food and wasted their life 'applying themselves fully [to the rock!], giving whole heart in wasteful endeavours and also 'following a technique' ('scratching rocks in the shape of Buddha).
I don't want to waste my only life like this. Organized beggary is not my priority.
On Sep 3, 2012 Swamy Vigyananand wrote :
These are also my priorities in life.
Thousands of Bhikkhus wasted millions of man-hours 'scratching rocks in the shape of Buddha, who denounced idolatry! They begged for their food and wasted their life 'applying themselves fully [to the rock!], giving whole heart in wasteful endeavours and also 'following a technique' ('scratching rocks in the shape of Buddha).
I don't want to waste my only life like this. Organized beggary is not my priority.