"My friend, when we are not present, mornings repeat themselves. If we are present in front of life, each morning is a new space, a new time." Those lines grabbed me. I'm not at the point of appreciating and basking in the uniqueness of each morning, but I appreciate the unique wonder of some moments, and those moments are a symphony. Being aware that each moment is a unique symphony helps me grow in appreciation of those moments. "All the delicious fruit and magnificent flowers belong to you. Accept them" means to me that I am part of all that is, that I and all that is is one, we are expressions of the one Being, and we belong to one another. I think our everyday sense of ownership is based on seeing separateness of I and things which is a shared delusion that we all for the most part participate in, and it's a whole different world than appreciating that we really don't own anything and we do belong to one another and to all that is because we are one. An analogy may be that my arm and my heart are unique expressions of one being, neither owning the other, and belong to one another as they are part of one body.
On Aug 12, 2012 david doane wrote :