Mornings are indeed a symphony for ne! I love this writing.of Thich Nhat Hanh because.I closely relate to its meaning and sentiment.
For the life as ling as I can remember this time of day.has been magical for me, the quiet comimg of the new day, beginning as the birds and critters wake to greet the rising.sun. then as the sky lightened and brightened as darkeness reverse to welcome a new beginning.
Physically and metaphorically this time has represented a blossoming of newness of.promise and potential that is a gift that belongs to me!
Mostly I try to approach this time with awareness of the subtlies of the burgeoning day and equally with my interaction with family, neighbors, colleagues and friends as the days journey begins.
As Thich has written, all the delicious fruit belongs to me... my day, my experience in this day this moment is a reflection of me, a reflection of my thoughts, my loving nature, my hope for this new day!
On Aug 10, 2012 Susan xo wrote :