I like the redirection of your questions in response to this piece. Thank you. There was a time, really not very long ago, that I wasn't aware that my ego was separate from me or at least wasn't all of me and wasn't the best of me. Now I am very aware often that my ego is not all of me and it is the driver in my life mostly when I let it. That's growth for me, and it feels good. In some situations, like when I'm caught up in trying to impress someone, ego seems to take over before I know what's happening, and as I do become aware I can step in front of it and take the lead which to me means being genuine and non goal directed, but sometimes it's difficult. It feels to me to be much more of an act of assertion of my real self rather than asking my ego to stand down -- when I'm in good shape, I don't ask it, I simply take internal action and take over. I'm in charge, not it. We cultivate ourselves to be able to see ourselves separately from our ego by reflection and practice.
On Jul 13, 2012 david doane wrote :