When I had a similar experience with a close relative I realized that the things that he believed in, and acted upon, came from the same fear of not being seen, not belonging, that I had also grown up struggling with. I never needed to agree (or disagree) with him after that, because the fire of my anger changed from being directed at him to being a fuel for changing the way I struggle with that same fear so that I can make something of it. I struggle with applying this to the day to day challenges of being in the non profit world, the ways that my fear still drives some of what I do, and I so appreciate this article and the space to reflect on how I have grown, am growing and still need to grow in the way I do the work I do. It is about our internal work, because doing this work helps us live a life full of peace rather than a life of fighting for peace.
On Jun 20, 2012 Nicole wrote :