The best example for holding 'holding lightly' that I can think of is when my father was teaching me how to ride a bicycle. As I was learning to balance while pedaling, he would hold on lightly to the carriage near the back wheel, but once I attained a bit of balance, he would let go. As he held on, I knew he would be there to break my fall if I fell, but he also would let go if I attained my balance. However, it is difficult when we simply conceptualize it or idealize it, for then we begin to hold it tightly, as Conrad points out. Then we begin to want to possess others who have the same ideals. While have the right companionship is important as we proceed on the journey, we should remember that each soul has its own journey. Seems to me like the only way is when we respect each other's journey and hold to to something within us and not outside us. Then we can truly let go. If we are truly happy and satisfied with what is within us (or our seeking is purely internal), then we interact with others to know their journeys, see parallels betwen our paths; and see how we can help them. Then, when we seek joy in our contributions to/sharing with others, perhaps, we will also stop being cold and indifferent.
On Jun 12, 2012 LM wrote :