Thank you Somik. Plotkin is excellent. I notice myself not having ever arrived, but continually arriving.
The continually arriving leaves me both knowing that I am here while simultaneously not knowing.
I've been most impressed with reading someone saying that when you have arrived, you realize that you never left. This same writer said when an ordinary person becomes enlightened, he or she becomes sage. When the sage becomes enlightened, he or she becomes an ordinary person. That writer, of course, was referring to the process of being enlightened is no different from the process of ordinary living. I also found it interesting to hear someone say if you want to know where you should be, look at your feet. If one wants to be a tool of peace, where there is hatred, one can bring love. Where there is injury, one can bring pardon. Where there is darkness, one can bring light. Where there is sadness one can bring joy. A peaceful person consoles rather than seeks to be consoled. He or she loves rather than seeks to be loved. A peaceful person realizes that it is in giving that one receives,as Francis from Assisi said. When you are peaceful person you are "here." Warm and kind regards to everyone.
On Feb 4, 2012 Conrad P. Pritscher wrote :
Thank you Somik. Plotkin is excellent. I notice myself not having ever arrived, but continually arriving.
The continually arriving leaves me both knowing that I am here while simultaneously not knowing.
I've been most impressed with reading someone saying that when you have arrived, you realize that you never left. This same writer said when an ordinary person becomes enlightened, he or she becomes sage. When the sage becomes enlightened, he or she becomes an ordinary person. That writer, of course, was referring to the process of being enlightened is no different from the process of ordinary living. I also found it interesting to hear someone say if you want to know where you should be, look at your feet. If one wants to be a tool of peace, where there is hatred, one can bring love. Where there is injury, one can bring pardon. Where there is darkness, one can bring light. Where there is sadness one can bring joy. A peaceful person consoles rather than seeks to be consoled. He or she loves rather than seeks to be loved. A peaceful person realizes that it is in giving that one receives,as Francis from Assisi said. When you are peaceful person you are "here." Warm and kind regards to everyone.