Hmm – We are Between Stories - How do you relate to the old and new story? Interesting....
Hmm –Do we relate at all? Or are we just passing through it, and once we have passed through it, thats when we ‘realise‘what has happened?
I’m thinking that’s exactly when our reality occurs, so, at that moment of understanding to ‘relate’ on any level or any situation, is when awareness occurs, and that’s when we know and we can comment, or act on any given situation, or event – All-be-it of past actions!!! And that’s how we relate with words and divisions - Possibly? Otherwise, we would have affirmative actions in the ‘moment’ creating ‘Bliss’ with ‘Now’ knowledge...Anyway, we all pass through the moment of old to new, like water passing through our fingers,
So, time is the ‘evolution’ and that is the ‘reality’ we know!!!By the time we actually realise what has happened, the moment has gone....So, is new ‘Science’ just a replacement for old Religion? that makes us feel connected from an old dogma 'to' a possibly new code of belief? Who knows, we have to be ‘aware’ in the ‘moment’ to realise and relate!
On Dec 19, 2011 Edit Lak wrote :
Hmm – We are Between Stories - How do you relate to the old and new story? Interesting....
Hmm –Do we relate at all? Or are we just passing through it, and once we have passed through it, thats when we ‘realise‘what has happened?
I’m thinking that’s exactly when our reality occurs, so, at that moment of understanding to ‘relate’ on any level or any situation, is when awareness occurs, and that’s when we know and we can comment, or act on any given situation, or event – All-be-it of past actions!!! And that’s how we relate with words and divisions - Possibly? Otherwise, we would have affirmative actions in the ‘moment’ creating ‘Bliss’ with ‘Now’ knowledge... Anyway, we all pass through the moment of old to new, like water passing through our fingers,
So, time is the ‘evolution’ and that is the ‘reality’ we know!!! By the time we actually realise what has happened, the moment has gone.... So, is new ‘Science’ just a replacement for old Religion? that makes us feel connected from an old dogma 'to' a possibly new code of belief? Who knows, we have to be ‘aware’ in the ‘moment’ to realise and relate!
Thanks for the thought.