A great thinker, philosopher said that "What is life? , Life is little comedies and little tragedies of everyday life!" But if/when this balance is unusually unbalance then there is a question arises. If it is manageble or one could know how to cop with that situation, then the comedy and the tragedy of life would be balanced. So to learn coppping with or dealing with or managing the hard situation is the key of life that one should learn.
On Oct 5, 2011 Sant Das wrote :
A great thinker, philosopher said that "What is life? , Life is little comedies and little tragedies of everyday life!" But if/when this balance is unusually unbalance then there is a question arises. If it is manageble or one could know how to cop with that situation, then the comedy and the tragedy of life would be balanced. So to learn coppping with or dealing with or managing the hard situation is the key of life that one should learn.