David Korten is a visionary thinker and articulate communicator.
Synthesizing the essential elements from Chapter 15, "A Speech that One Day I Hope to Hear From Our President", of his book "AGENDA for a NEW ECONOMY" - and putting it to music, played by people from all over the country...might help to rocket our New Economy forward and set the old one (aka: Wall Street and 'too big to fail") on fire, relegating it to ashes.
On Aug 30, 2011 Brenda wrote :
David Korten is a visionary thinker and articulate communicator.
Synthesizing the essential elements from Chapter 15, "A Speech that One Day I Hope to Hear From Our President", of his book "AGENDA for a NEW ECONOMY" - and putting it to music, played by people from all over the country...might help to rocket our New Economy forward and set the old one (aka: Wall Street and 'too big to fail") on fire, relegating it to ashes.
Wouldn't that be a great start?