I found this facinating, having just found myself in terrible place in my life and had to look at so much stuff...what has come up is the "labels", in my case, "you are trouble maker". Label for life, since a litltle girl, that little girl who couldn't help but move around to much. 51 years old and still caring the label.
Ricky...I want to know more, I might be 51 but still need help understanding what you are teaching teens. How can this be. Seems I have fooled myself all these years. How I want to be nothing, what a releif that would be.
On Aug 30, 2011 margaret wrote :
I found this facinating, having just found myself in terrible place in my life and had to look at so much stuff...what has come up is the "labels", in my case, "you are trouble maker". Label for life, since a litltle girl, that little girl who couldn't help but move around to much. 51 years old and still caring the label.
Ricky...I want to know more, I might be 51 but still need help understanding what you are teaching teens. How can this be. Seems I have fooled myself all these years. How I want to be nothing, what a releif that would be.