Prasad, your response is thought provoking - how could I even consider myself knowledgeable in the scheme of Universe, when i hardly know anything , not even which questions to ask. Its hits rightly so.
Holding on to questions is another wise piece of advise. Thank you for sharing your wisdom.
On May 31, 2011 Prasad wrote :
Last weekend, I went to Henry Cowell Park in Felton. As I walked among the redwoods, I was asking myself the question, how old is the ground on which I am walking? What does the ground say to me if it has a voice? My daughter mentioned that some of the mature trees are over 2000 years old. But knowing the redwood trees, the root system allows for more trees to grow out of the same roots and what if the roots are 10000 or 15,000 years old. What would be the story of the roots and how different would it be from the story of the trees? Then, a volunteer who was walking with us mentioned that the roots are shallow and spread across the land to support the trees because the trees are some times over 200 feet tall. That means, the ground on which I am walking has roots not too far down, They have seen the birth and death of Christ, seen the wars, seen the peace, may be have seen the dinosaurs. If only we could listen to the stories they tell, what would we do differently? So the ground looks at roots as young. Roots look at 2000 year old trees as young trees. They look at us and what would they say?
How proud, how knowledgeable I think I am. Where will my knowledge fit in the ecosystem of the redwood forest? What questions do I not even know to ask?
So all my answers are so temporary -- short term, shallow answers. But the questions -- if I could only hold onto the questions -- then maybe I can enjoy the kind of answers I had at different times of my life...
You are right, Rainier -- it is not the answers that matter -- the questions do. Do I know the right questions to ask? That is a good question to reflect on...