There is no difference between you and I, between the molecule or the rock than I. What pretense for Jiddu Krishnamurti to proclaim what is perfect, what is imperfect; every one of us if part of the timeless course of life. It is our errant perceptions where we, either singularly or in harmony, fail. Nature is imbued with potential to conflict with the flow of life. Whether it be holding onto a memory or a pain to feel more alive, or simple preoccupation, we all have but to release our notions and find the stream of life.
On Jan 19, 2018 david doane wrote :
To fulfill oneself in perfection means to fulfill myself in being all of what I am, being total and whole, being all of me present and manifesting. I think I never felt life in all things, unless it was somewhere between conception and about age two. I have come to think that there is life in all things, and that awareness has been enlivening for me and has helped me feel more one with all resulting in increased compassion for and with all. What helps me include the negative in my conception of the positive is considering and believing that there is no negative and positive in nature, they are only in my perception. There is one nature/reality that I am part of -- some of it I like and some I don't, some I agree with and some I don't, some of which I embrace and some of which I fear, but I know I and it are really all part of the one.