The article made me think of the quote by Jimi Hendrix: “When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will be at peace.”
I know there are songs about the Power of Love and giving love/give yourself (ego, identity) away.
The circle of sharing included people sharing different opposites to the word love (which is truly unconditional, unbiased, and all encompassing/embracing/universal): hate, ambivalence, indifference, fear, judgment, partiality, antipathy (a strongly negative feeling, opposite of empathy/sympathy, acceptance—feeling for others, compassion in action), no love.
“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and right doing, there is a field. I will meet you there.” --Jalal ad-Din Rumi
Love being without borders, lines, boundaries, walls and whole (greater than/transcends the sum of its parts) connects to a side project I have been thinking of pursuing (can share more in person with those interested).
I think of the phrase: “may the force be with you” from Star Wars. Imagine a worldwide movement, which I feel this is a part of, led proactively through/in love, and not all the defensive struggles that are occurring more commonly.
Nipun touched on his assessment of the words: Power (ego) and force (selfless service, which anyone can tap into) and mentioned a book, called Power versus Force.
It’s a great honor and privilege to meet with such brave and inspiring souls: “A coward is incapable of exhibiting love; it is the prerogative of the brave. “ --Mohandas K. Gandhi
Neil mentioned some stories, including one about a child who is scared of the wicked witch and a caretaker reaching out to her at her level by giving her a glass of water to throw on the witch, for in case she would need it.
Bhoutik & Viral touched on Tough Love, in teen years (below age 20)… ;)
Tobias shared through visual imagery about a business model centered around love, where love is the target/”bull’s eye” and with concentric circles around it, working for pay/to get paid to provide in the spirit of love for loved ones, and the outermost circle also being love.
The passage also reminded me of subverting the dominant paradigm and creating a new one: “Ultimately the creation of a new paradigm in the contemporary society is not about putting the right kind of people in power, but the right kind of power in people.” --Michael Nagler
Relates to Einstein’s quote: “We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” An Image
One can reflect on this at times of election with fresh, new thinking, new ways of doing things, and working towards common/universal visions.
One person shared his experience on airplanes. It reminded me of this clip, worth watching for a good laugh.
On Nov 1, 2010 Varsha wrote :
The article made me think of the quote by Jimi Hendrix: “When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will be at peace.”
I know there are songs about the Power of Love and giving love/give yourself (ego, identity) away.
The circle of sharing included people sharing different opposites to the word love (which is truly unconditional, unbiased, and all encompassing/embracing/universal): hate, ambivalence, indifference, fear, judgment, partiality, antipathy (a strongly negative feeling, opposite of empathy/sympathy, acceptance—feeling for others, compassion in action), no love.
“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and right doing, there is a field. I will meet you there.” --Jalal ad-Din Rumi
Love being without borders, lines, boundaries, walls and whole (greater than/transcends the sum of its parts) connects to a side project I have been thinking of pursuing (can share more in person with those interested).
I think of the phrase: “may the force be with you” from Star Wars. Imagine a worldwide movement, which I feel this is a part of, led proactively through/in love, and not all the defensive struggles that are occurring more commonly.
Nipun touched on his assessment of the words: Power (ego) and force (selfless service, which anyone can tap into) and mentioned a book, called Power versus Force.
It’s a great honor and privilege to meet with such brave and inspiring souls: “A coward is incapable of exhibiting love; it is the prerogative of the brave. “ --Mohandas K. Gandhi
Neil mentioned some stories, including one about a child who is scared of the wicked witch and a caretaker reaching out to her at her level by giving her a glass of water to throw on the witch, for in case she would need it.
Bhoutik & Viral touched on Tough Love, in teen years (below age 20)… ;)
Tobias shared through visual imagery about a business model centered around love, where love is the target/”bull’s eye” and with concentric circles around it, working for pay/to get paid to provide in the spirit of love for loved ones, and the outermost circle also being love.
The passage also reminded me of subverting the dominant paradigm and creating a new one: “Ultimately the creation of a new paradigm in the contemporary society is not about putting the right kind of people in power, but the right kind of power in people.” --Michael Nagler
Relates to Einstein’s quote: “We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” An Image
One can reflect on this at times of election with fresh, new thinking, new ways of doing things, and working towards common/universal visions.
One person shared his experience on airplanes. It reminded me of this clip, worth watching for a good laugh.
And a friend’s recent experience: