In logh of all going on in the world today, I feel as if I am the oppressed whe I have never or would never hurt anyone. I am conservative Christian (white, although I do have scottish, german and american indian heritage), I am a proud American, I do not want history erased, I stand for our our anthem and Flag out of respect. I recognize the atrocious behavior of our forefathers, but going forward in progress not backwards in hatred is the keyð
On Dec 5, 2017 pj wrote :
In logh of all going on in the world today, I feel as if I am the oppressed whe I have never or would never hurt anyone. I am conservative Christian (white, although I do have scottish, german and american indian heritage), I am a proud American, I do not want history erased, I stand for our our anthem and Flag out of respect. I recognize the atrocious behavior of our forefathers, but going forward in progress not backwards in hatred is the keyð