Intuition always peeks out and sends us messages that are life changing. However, our presence of mind isn't always open to its message that would require us to reflect and change, so we tend to ignore it at the moment. This goes back and forth throughout our lives, I call them tides. The next big "tide" is even deeper, stronger and life changing in its message in other forms that we can't ignore and we are forced to make decisions from. This can immobilize us out of fear of the unknown. It is in our sitting in it, with it and working around it, with humility, the stillness and patience in waiting for its answer while maintaining peace of mind and presence too that we are living in the the ONE that is our innate wisdom. We then know what life really is and really isn't.
On Aug 29, 2010 Satya wrote :
Intuition always peeks out and sends us messages that are life changing. However, our presence of mind isn't always open to its message that would require us to reflect and change, so we tend to ignore it at the moment. This goes back and forth throughout our lives, I call them tides. The next big "tide" is even deeper, stronger and life changing in its message in other forms that we can't ignore and we are forced to make decisions from. This can immobilize us out of fear of the unknown. It is in our sitting in it, with it and working around it, with humility, the stillness and patience in waiting for its answer while maintaining peace of mind and presence too that we are living in the the ONE that is our innate wisdom. We then know what life really is and really isn't.