I agree with habit one, our seeing that we are all in this together, which I see as a fact and not an "impossible dream." As for habit two, having an appreciation of the values of otherness, I don't have it. I value uniqueness. Otherness is an illusion. I agree with the author that us and them doesn't equal us versus them, but us and them is a dualistic and separation perspective rather than a unitive and differentiation perspective and it leads to us versus them. Regarding habit three, our living in the midst of a multitude of tensions is our lot in this life and is our ongoing challenge, like it or not. As for habit four, it is the right and privilege and responsibility of each of us to find, trust, and express our truth and voice for our own life and for the life of the community. With regards to habit five, individualness-community is one of those tensions we live in. Individual and community appear separate but are really two sides of one coin. There is no individual without community and no community without individual. These beliefs foster compassion for me. The fact that these beliefs make sense to me and foster compassion helps me inculcate them.
On Sep 30, 2017 david doane wrote :
I agree with habit one, our seeing that we are all in this together, which I see as a fact and not an "impossible dream." As for habit two, having an appreciation of the values of otherness, I don't have it. I value uniqueness. Otherness is an illusion. I agree with the author that us and them doesn't equal us versus them, but us and them is a dualistic and separation perspective rather than a unitive and differentiation perspective and it leads to us versus them. Regarding habit three, our living in the midst of a multitude of tensions is our lot in this life and is our ongoing challenge, like it or not. As for habit four, it is the right and privilege and responsibility of each of us to find, trust, and express our truth and voice for our own life and for the life of the community. With regards to habit five, individualness-community is one of those tensions we live in. Individual and community appear separate but are really two sides of one coin. There is no individual without community and no community without individual. These beliefs foster compassion for me. The fact that these beliefs make sense to me and foster compassion helps me inculcate them.