The answer to this sort of observation is that the act and deeds performed during the state of wakefulness leave their
impression only when one is attentive for them and all the acts and deeds are performed during alert consciousness, that
is, impression of an act or deed establishes only when it is accepted mentally. When the acts and deeds of wakefulness
and dreams are compared, it is observed that if, during wakefulness we are attentive for something then it has some
significance otherwise it has no importance at all and is not more than a thought.
On Dec 7, 2009 senskhalid wrote :
The answer to this sort of observation is that the act and deeds performed during the state of wakefulness leave their
impression only when one is attentive for them and all the acts and deeds are performed during alert consciousness, that
is, impression of an act or deed establishes only when it is accepted mentally. When the acts and deeds of wakefulness
and dreams are compared, it is observed that if, during wakefulness we are attentive for something then it has some
significance otherwise it has no importance at all and is not more than a thought.