Nowhere in Victor Frankl's writings can I find "If you don't go within, you simply go without." He died in 1997, so he couldn't have written the article in 2006. That quote is being spread throughout the internet and has found its way into published word. Please tell us the source. Thank you.
End of Search Results
On Feb 21, 2019Muhammad Ali wrote :
It's from Neale Donald Walsch's book "conversations with God I"
On Aug 12, 2021Sheyna wrote :
The earliest attribution I can find to this quote "If you don't go within, you go without," is Yogi Bhajan (Harbhajan Singh Khalsa), who lived from 1929-2004.
On Sep 12, 2017 Dee wrote :
Nowhere in Victor Frankl's writings can I find "If you don't go within, you simply go without." He died in 1997, so he couldn't have written the article in 2006. That quote is being spread throughout the internet and has found its way into published word. Please tell us the source. Thank you.