For me, a spiritual path entails remaining aware that all is one and sacred and my activities are part of that big picture. I can get so busy and stressed that I forget that. Being selective and prioritizing regarding activities reduces the number of activities and allows me to slow me down, be in the present, and maintain awareness of the big picture. That sounds good -- I ought to do it more often. Taking time most every morning to physically stretch and exercise and to meditate, even when I have many activities to do and many things on my mind, is my reengineering my pattern to take time for me physically and spiritually and start the day with awareness of the big spiritual picture. The unnecessary is always intruding, and being in the present including meditation helps me to let go of the unnecessary and focus on the essential.
On Oct 8, 2016 david doane wrote :
For me, a spiritual path entails remaining aware that all is one and sacred and my activities are part of that big picture. I can get so busy and stressed that I forget that. Being selective and prioritizing regarding activities reduces the number of activities and allows me to slow me down, be in the present, and maintain awareness of the big picture. That sounds good -- I ought to do it more often. Taking time most every morning to physically stretch and exercise and to meditate, even when I have many activities to do and many things on my mind, is my reengineering my pattern to take time for me physically and spiritually and start the day with awareness of the big spiritual picture. The unnecessary is always intruding, and being in the present including meditation helps me to let go of the unnecessary and focus on the essential.